Contact Details
Josh Cottle
021 261 8678
Service Area
From Kaikōura to Christchurch and everywhere inbetween, Cottle Plumbing is here to help across North Canterbury. Check out our service locations below.
Service Locations
Cottle Plumbing Service Locations and Suburbs Including but not limited to:
North Canterbury
Amberley | Ashley | Arthur’s Pass | Cheviot | Culverden | Cust | Fernside | Gore Bay | Hanmer Springs | Hawarden | Kaikoura | Kaiapoi | Leithfield | Loburn | Motunau | Oxford | Pegasus | Rangiora | Rotherham | Sefton | Swannanoa | Tuahiwi | Waiau | Waikari | Waipara | Woodend | Waikuku
Christchurch Locations
Addington | Aranui | Avondale | Avonhead | Avonside | Beckenham | Belfast | Bexley | Bishopdale | Bottle Lake | Bromley | Brooklands | Broomfield | Bryndwr | Burnside | Burwood | Casebrook | Cashmere | Christchurch Airport | Christchurch Central | Clifton | Cracroft | Dallington | Edgeware | Fendalton | Ferrymead | Halswell | Harewood | Heathcote Valley | Hei Hei | Hillmorton | Hillsborough | Hoon Hay | Hornby | Hornby South | Huntsbury | Ilam | Islington | Kainga | Kennedys Bush | Linwood | Mairehau | Marshland | Mcleans Island | Merivale | Middleton | Moncks Bay | Mount Pleasant | New Brighton | North New Brighton | Northcote | Northwood | Opawa | Papanui | Parklands | Phillipstown | Redcliffs | Redwood | Riccarton | Richmond | Richmond Hill | Russley | Saint Albans | Saint Martins | Shirley | Sockburn | Somerfield | South New Brighton | Southshore | Spreydon | Strowan | Styx | Sumner | Sydenham | Templeton | Upper | Riccarton | Waimairi Beach | Wainoni | Waltham | Westmorland | Wigram | Woolston | Yaldhurst
Monday – Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday – Sunday
After Hour Call-Outs Available On Request